
  • https://kahoot.it/


    Join a game of kahoot here. Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, ...

  • https://kahoot.com/

    Kahoot! | Learning games | Make learning awesome!

    Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that brings engagement and fun to 1+ billion players every year at school, at work, and at home.

  • https://play.kahoot.it/


    You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.

  • https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=313661&lang=to

    Moodle in English: Kahoot.it - Quiz

    It is a gamification of a quiz whereby students compete against each other to answer questions one at a time with results posted after each question.

  • https://kahoot.com/schools-u/

    Make your students the hosts of their own learning experiences - Kahoot!

    Give your students access to award-winning learning apps and the Kahoot! creator where they can make their own kahoots to share with the class!

  • https://forum.code.org/t/computer-or-not-a-computer-kahoot-survey/18922

    Computer or Not a Computer Kahoot Survey - Code.org Forums

    Below is the link to a kahoot survey I created where students look at the images and answer computer or not. Feel free to edit and use.

  • https://forum.code.org/t/unit-1-practice-kahoot/38301

    Unit 1 Practice Kahoot - Code.org Professional Learning Community

    Hello, I wanted to attach a Kahoot I had created for my students to review Unit 1 in case any other teachers wanted to use it.

  • https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kahoot-play-create-quizzes/id1131203560

    Kahoot! Play & Create Quizzes on the App Store - Apple

    Explore and discover millions of ready-to-play quiz-based learning games (kahoots). Create your own kahoots in minutes for your next party, meeting, or workshop ...

  • https://www.utc.edu/academic-affairs/walker-center-for-teaching-and-learning/learning-technologies/kahoot

    Kahoot! | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - UTC

    Kahoot! empowers instructors to quickly and easily create, share, and play interactive learning games, called kahoots. You can use kahoots to engage your ...

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW6VpS1gkzQ

    Kahoot It! - YouTube

    How to create a kahoot session for your students.

  • https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1135685

    Kahoot It or Not? Can Games Be Motivating in Learning Grammar?

    Gamification is not a very new concept. It is the use of game elements and game design techniques in a non-game context. It is used in various contexts for ...

  • https://oit.utk.edu/teachingtools/kahoot/

    Kahoot! - Office of Innovative Technologies

    A kahoot can be embedded within any area of Canvas that supports the rich content editor, including assignments, pages, and discussions. However, players will ...

  • https://scarfedigitalsandbox.teach.educ.ubc.ca/kahoot-free-tool-for-creating-learning-games/

    Kahoot! : Free Tool for Creating Learning Games

    Kahoot! : Free Tool for Creating Learning Games ! ・ Create a teacher account on kahoot.com ・ Create a new Kahoot by selecting the type of interactivity you want ...

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