The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨ɰ⟩, and the equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is M\ . Voiced velar approximant. ɰ.
The IPA symbols associated with many of the vowel speech sounds are already familiar symbols for native speakers of English (eg, /i/, /e/, /o/, /u/).
In most languages it is the semivocalic counterpart of the close back rounded vowel [u]. In inventory charts of languages with other labialized velar consonants ...
To make the /ʊ/ sound: /ʊ/is a high, back, lax vowel. To make it, your tongue should be lifted high in the mouth (slightly lower than /u/), ...
Tips for remembering approximant symbols in the IPA that are close to corresponding vowel symbols: [i/j y/ɥ ɯ/ɰ u/w].
Ʊ Ŀ ƱǸ 伺ȮѾ˹ ɰ ǰ þ˸ Ʈ ͳ ɰ Ͻö ı ̱ ǰԻ̱Ʊ で検索した結果 約8件