5月 ・ 5月4日 - 中華民国で五・四運動 ・ 5月7日 - パリ講和会議で赤道以北の旧ドイツ領を日本が委任統治することに決定 ・ 5月15日 - ギリシャ軍がトルコ領のイズミルに侵入 ...
January ・ The Paris Peace Conference opens in France, with delegates from 27 nations attending for meetings at the Palace of Versailles. ・ Estonian War of ...
This unparalleled tour-de-force in fine dining offers contemporary, flavor-forward dishes crafted exclusively from local artisans and farmers.
Discover what happened in this year with HISTORY's summaries of major events, anniversaries, famous births and notable deaths.
Jan. 12 Peace Conference met at Paris.
Make a Gift to Support the 1919 Club. Join the 1919 Club, a student organization open to undergraduate and graduate business students.
1919 United States Department of Labor US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration 200 Constitution Ave NW Washington, DC 20210
Café 1919 Choose an item for One Meal Plan Swipe. Gelato & Sorbet Choose from an assortment of Flavors. $6.00
A nursing facility must provide services and activities to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being of each ...
The Nobel Peace Prize 1919 was awarded to Thomas Woodrow Wilson for his role as founder of the League of Nations.
25 U.S. Code § 1919 - Agreements between States and Indian tribes ... Such agreements may be revoked by either party upon one hundred and eighty days' written ...
The suffrage movement had a long-fought win when women gained the right to vote. Laborers took to the streets to protest working conditions; nationalistic ...
The authors describe Woodrow Wilson's stroke, the historical implications of his health decline, and its impact on United States foreign policy.
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation overwhelmingly approved the Army Program Comment for Pre-1919 historic housing addressing approximately 865 homes.
1919で検索した結果 約600,000,000件