SCP-682, also commonly known as the Hard-to-Destroy Reptile and later as SCP-6820-A, is a major antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It also appears as ...
SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature with potent regenerative and adaptive abilities. One of the most infamous SCPs known to the Foundation, ...
SCP-682 is a KETER class anomaly also known as Hard to Destroy Reptile. SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin.
TheRubber brings you SCP Foundation SCP-682 SAD Origin Story… Tales Animation. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to TheRubber Channel Today! SCP-682 ...
SCP 682 is a Keter Class anomaly also known as Hard to Destroy Reptile. SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin.
You are a shape shifting SCP locked away in a secret laboratory. Your ability allows you to change into anything you have previously or have just seen, gaining ...
Dr Bob brings you SCP Foundation KETER Class object, SCP-682 - Hard to Destroy Reptile Animation. Join the DR BOB SQUAD by going to ...
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