To make the /ʊ/ sound: /ʊ/is a high, back, lax vowel. To make it, your tongue should be lifted high in the mouth (slightly lower than /u/), ...
Below are listed Morse Code plus a few phonetic alphabets. The NATO Phonetic Alphabet is the most common, but the others are used in other areas.
J̌ (minuscule: ǰ) is a letter of the Latin alphabet, derived from J with the addition of a caron (háček). It is used in some phonetic transcription schemes, ...
(“heart”→ [hɑt]) In IPA, r-color can be added to any vowel by using schwar. (ex. “hear” → [hiɚ]). o “Er” sounds that are stressed, as in the words “hurt ...
巡3 ܡڡڢƦƢ ãᣳΣ ¡~ڡ ǰ Ʊ ͳ ƮԹ ī ǸŰ Ծ౹ ̵巹ı ó Ʈ ǸóƮで検索した結果 約6件